Tuesday, March 19, 2013


A couple times a year we are blessed to go to Big Bear. We go with our family, catch up with my brothers, go on the boat, play at the park and relax. This year was different. I went with just the girls and we got snowed in. We saw friends, we snuggled and watched movies. New jacuzzi means hot bath and then jump in snow. Snow! Lots of it and we were kinda in awe over it. We made hills, played on toys and did lots of snow angles. We went to the zoo and saw beautiful black bears and watched the carnivores get down on some meat. So thankful we have this time (although we missed Jeffy) to recharge and make memories.
Mornings are the best here. Hot coco and coffee are dragged out with snuggles and giggles.

 Played at the Fishers who live down the road. With a family of 4 kids + extra boys = tons of fun.
 Thanks Dena! 

 Surprised how long they played in the snow. It wasn't the typical 10 minutes, cold, crying, lots of work for mom. It was me calling them in for a meal or it got to late. I already miss it and want to go back.
Some child of mine took this with the iPhone and its right as we descend from the beauty. 
Thanks dad and T!

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